The project «Twinning alliance for social solidarity in action» was funded with
the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens

Applicable to the Strand 2 - Measure 2.1 "Town-Twinning"

Participation: The project involved more than 2.000 citizens most of them from Uri, notably 12 participants from the city of Amata (Latvia), 10 participants from the city of Rauna (Latvia), 12 participants from the city of Săcălășeni (Romania), 17 participants from the city of Suwałki (Poland), 46 participants from the city of La Baña (Spain) and from Xunta de Galicia.

Location/ Dates: The event took place in URI,Sardegna, Italia from March 8 2018 to March 11 2018.

Short description:
March 8 2018 arrival of the delegations and accommodation in hotel; in the afternoon the Mayor officially welcomed the delegations by the Municipal House, press conference, dinner and concert by the Church Nostra Signora della Pazienza.

March 9 2018
, during the morning town twining meeting, presentation of each partner town (with video and slides), than exchange of presents between towns and signature of the town twinning agreement and press conference. For all the day cultural excursions to the main cultural sites in Uri and surroundings.

March 10 2018
, during the morning partners meeting and discussion on the project topic focused on youth employment: each partner presented examples, projects and international practices addressed to: cross-border professional and vocational opportunities for young people; international training addressed to youth work
to support youth employability; best practices in the use of the European Social Fund, Erasmus+ and other EU financial instruments. The partners will debated and agreed on an operative framework that will guarantee mutual exchange of young workers in the respective countries in order to activate in the next three years short vocational training period by local enterprises or schools, short and long voluntarism activities and permanent employment. In the afternoon official opening of the local "Sagra del carciofo", opening of the stands, dinner in the Sagra and concert; each invited delegation had its own stand, presented local products and offered food taste.

March 11 2018
full day dedicated to the food taste itinerary across the typical dishes from all the partners countries, cultural events, sport and folk events, folk dances and music also from the invited countries. In the morning non competitive marathon.

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